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The ATS Business Model (ABM) was introduced in ATS Automation in 2017 and arrived in Comecer in 2019.
ABM is a powerful business management system that enables us to achieve our business through a process of disciplined, continuous improvement. ABM provides our people with key problem-solving tools and a template for eliminating waste and driving process improvement in all areas of responsibility, regardless of function. It empowers personnel, improves customer satisfaction, and enhances our returns.
“The foundation of a great business is having great people. It follows, then, that working to develop, engage, empower and energize our people is both a core ATS value and the first of our three pillars, followed by process, and then performance, at the foundation of the ABM”. – Andrew Hider, CEO
We leverage our ABM to train, develop, engage, empower, and energize our people to make powerful changes in the organization. Our relentless focus on people is what continues to set ATS Automation apart as a great place to build a career. We have multiple ways to engage with our ABM, including in-person and virtual training courses, facilitation support with problem-solving and kaizen events, along with leadership development training to continuously build the best teams.
Continuous Improvement activities in Company
“At its core, our ABM is our pursuit of continuous improvement in everything we do. If we have a standard process, and we can measure that process, we are capable of driving sustainable improvements”. – Jeremy Patten, VP ATS Business Model
We leverage ABM in all phases of our business: operations, sales, marketing, finance, human resources, information technology and innovation. We drive continuous improvement and growth with ABM by following three levels:
“After the Kaizen event, I am amazed at the results we delivered in just one week. Please keep driving the ABM throughout the business” – Production Team Leader, Cambridge Life Science Division
It is the relentless pursuit of continuous improvement, leveraging the skills and training from a great team, that will deliver world-class performance for employees, customers, and shareholders. This is more than just lean manufacturing. Our ABM is who we are and how we do business, and it will continue to be our competitive advantage at ATS.
The main goal to arrive at this level was to strengthen our core and fundamentals. We followed different methodologies: training and boot camp, value drivers and KPIs, DVM, and 5S.
Thanks to everyone’s commitment, Comecer has started its growth path with ABM, receiving the Bronze Level certification, laying the foundations for continuous improvement.
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