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Cell culture has been a concept in most cell programs for many years.

It represents a fundamental need in many applications including toxicity studies, monoclonal antibody production, human viral vaccine production, artificial tissue engineering, and Cell and Gene therapy.

We already solved the asepsis and environmental stability issues by introducing Isolation technology in cell therapy.

But what about incubation?

Many classic incubators have been on the market for a long time. They are excellent for the above tasks, but they show some limitations when we bring them inside isolators: some parts are not needed anymore, others need to be adapted, and others require a high level of integration.

Since 2013, Comecer has been developing its product line of incubators to be integrated into our ValueCell Isolators, gaining unique and undiscussed experience in this field.

Comecer incubators are specifically designed for this scope: they have built-in tightness features and sealable doors, have stable extractable trays to facilitate access and can be prepared in different sizes with personalized internal organization.

They are equipped with gentle internal ventilation that guarantees uniform distribution of temperature and RH and CO2 concentrations obtained using suitable vaporization and injection systems. Warming is performed directly on the airflow and through a set of adjustable all-around electrical resistances.

Working parameters can be easily accessed from the main panel of the isolator, which also shows all the significant variables used to determine proper operation. All the features are monitored and alarmed.

Comecer Incubators are specifically built to fit GMP requirements and for straightforward integration into isolator environments. Their use with Comecer Isolation Technology represents a cutting edge in this rapidly evolving field and the solution to all the issues surrounding the use of the incubators inside isolators.


Incubation is a primary process in Cell & Gene Therapy, but just placing a standard commercial incubator inside an isolator will generally not work.

Why? Find out in this video.


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