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Automated production of Cu-64, Zr-89, Ga-68, Ti-45, I-123 and I-124 with a medical cyclotron, using a commercial solid target system

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ALCEO Solid Target Processing System

ALCEO — Solid Target Processing System

Terachem, the third international edition of the symposium on Technetium and Other Radiometals in Chemistry and Medicine, took place 26-29 September in Bressanone, Italy.

Our R&D Solid Target Specialist, Mario Malinconico, presented during Session C – Radioisotope Production & Targetry the talk “Automated production of Cu-64, Zr-89, Ga-68, Ti-45, I-123 and I-124 with a medical cyclotron, using a commercial solid target system.”

Did you miss this presentation?

If you were not present, you might like to know the top 3 questions that the audience asked him at the end of the presentation. Here they are, along with his answers:

How long does the process take from the EOB (end of beam) to the gallium chloride ready and purified?

From the EOB the recipe takes 35 minutes. After that, the gallium chloride is ready to use in your final vial.

Is it possible to write new recipes in the software (for example, for the production of new radioisotopes)?

Taddeo’s software is totally open. It’ s possible to modify and create new recipes. Our R&D department is always available to support you in the development of new processes.

Is it possible to use the shuttle again after the production of a radioisotope?

It’s possible to use the shuttle almost forever. After any production, the shuttle is also cleaned with the “rinse recipe” and ready to use for the next bombardment.

Browse the slides of his presentation below. To request a pdf copy of the slides, fill out the form below. If you are registered to the Comecer website, you can download the pdf immediately.

Automated production of Cu-64, Zr-89, Ga-68, Ti-45, I-123 and I-124 with a medical cyclotron, using a commercial solid target system from Comecer

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