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The first Comecer Family Open Day

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The first Comecer Family Open Day was a success. A success because it was a chance for us to experience a moment of celebration beyond working hours. Because we opened the doors to welcome relatives and friends intrigued by what we do everyday at this company, which with pride speaks of health, safety, research and development, bringing progress throughout the world.

On Saturday 25th May approximately 500 people came to our Castel Bolognese site. Without a doubt the most popular activity was the tour of our production department: we organised guided visits for every hour, enabling participants to appreciate each step of the process, from creation to quality control and monitoring, right up to the shipment of every Comecer machine.

Numerous «Safety First» activities and laboratories were held for younger participants, inspired by the company’s key motto. Thousands of photos were taken at the booth, where prints were instantly available for collection.

A day of sharing and joy, just like any family day. In our opinion, the objective of all this was achieved: to spend a day in each other’s company, highlight the value of Comecer not only as a work place, but also as a convergence point of different professions, lives, emotions and adventures which are all fulfilled here. Feeling part of a family is about creating space for all this.




Thank you for this beautiful day!

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