The energy policy of the COMECER Group will be aimed at the constant reduction of the energy demand and of CO2 emissions, by achieving the strategic energy objectives defined by the group every year.
Together with these objectives, those established by management must be coordinated, taking into account recent consumption data and sustainability and profitability aspects.
We will be committed to the continual improvement of energy performance.
Sustainability and life cycle issues will always be given the maximum consideration in energy-related decisions.
The collaboration of all employees is essential to implement the energy policy.
Employees will always be informed regarding energy strategies and involved in the energy management program.
The company’s energy goals when involve all the areas within the company, the activities and the processes.
COMECER management will make available all the resources and information necessary to implement the energy policy and to achieve the strategic and operational objectives.
The community will be informed regularly regarding the energy management program and COMECER’s energy consumption.
In connection with the energy goals, objectives have been established for the reduction of emissions, to be achieved through increasing energy efficiency and the constant use of renewable energy sources.
The conformity of this energy policy will be regularly monitored and assessed by management.
COMECER’s energy consumption is constantly measured and monitored.
The more significant energy data will be regularly collected, verified and disclosed to the community.
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