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Regenerative Medicine Solutions for Pharma and Bio-Technology Labs

Regenerative Medicine equipment: GMP cell culture isolators with aseptic conditions for sterile products and incubation systems for Advanced Therapy Labs.

  • Accessories
  • Additional equipment
  • Asepsis
  • Cell Therapies
  • Chemotherapy
  • Compounding
  • Containment
  • Decommissioning
  • Decontamination
  • Dispensing
  • Dose Calibration
  • Filling
  • Furnishings
  • Incubation Systems
  • Injection
  • Lab Management
  • Production Management
  • Quality control
  • R&D Radiochemistry and Radiopharma
  • Shieldings and Doors
  • Storage and Transport
  • Synthesis
  • Testing
  • Validation
ATMP_MCCI_Modular Cell Culture Isolator


Modular Cell Culture Isolator

Cell & Gene Downstream Isolator

Downstream Isolator

Isolator for Cell & Gene Therapy process

Regenerative Medicine solutions: we provide GMP cell culture isolators with aseptic conditions for sterile products and incubation systems for Advanced Therapy Labs.

We supply this equipment to biotechnology companies and cell factory organizations around the world.

Our technology comes from research, university collaborations, and long experience providing equipment to the GMP pharmaceutical sector. Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering laboratories follow the same guidelines as pharmaceutical labs.

Researchers, scientists and operators require aseptic, controlled environments for the manipulation of cells and biomaterials.

This is what our isolation technology can do.

Why deploy isolators?

Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine labs face sterility and cross-contamination challenges.

Isolators provide a physical barrier between a process that might have asepsis requirements and/or toxicity risks and the external environment. The physical barrier is a fully welded enclosure with specific ventilation and filtration to provide a controlled atmosphere.

Operations are performed using glove boxes, guaranteeing operator safety.

A VPHP cycle takes care of sterilization, making changeovers fast and safe.

We provide different cell culture isolators for different requirements.

Why combine isolation with incubation?

When you need to scale up your cell culturing activities, a system that allows multiple single-batch incubations with shared utility support is a winner.

You can expand production capacity even if you are running out of space in your Grade B cleanroom.

You can save time with long cleanroom turnover procedures.

You eliminate risks associated with keeping several incubators in the same area.

Explore the FlexyCult solution if these are common issues for your lab.








