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Radiochemistry Fume Hoods

The work area is fully made of AISI 304 INOX stainless steel. The surface is finished with Scotch-BriteTM. All the joints are made by suitably smoothed and ground arc welds in an environment of inert gases. All the structure is hardened by means of box-type INOX steel sheets. The worktop is equipped with a raised edge in order to prevent the leakage of contaminated liquids.
The hood is closed at the front part by an acrylic glass slide rail which runs between the polizene lateral guides.

FHR1-FHR3 - Radiochemistry Fume Hoods

FHR Radiochemistry Fume Hood

The tool rack panel is on the hood front lower wall. This instrument panel is made of 15/10 thick, AISI 304 stainless steel, and is an integral part of the worktop. The remote controls of the fluids (liquid and gaseous) as well as the electrical outlets are on the instrument panel. The supply of these fluids is done by means of taps placed on the hood internal side panels, which are connected to the feed manifold.

Features of radiochemistry fume hood

  • Front closing with Plexiglas vertical sliding door
  • Adjustable by-pass of the air flow
  • Double-walled aspiration system, frontal air speed of 50 cm/sec
  • Filtration system with absolute and activated carbon filters integrated into the hood structure
  • Protected replacement of the filter with canister equipped with gullet for the positioning of the barrier sack
  • Controlled discharge of radioactive liquid waste into a polyethylene bin with a capacity of 20 litres, electric gear case with external capacitive level probe, automatic interruption of the water flow when the container is full
  • Remote control for adjusting the hot/cold water
  • Starting and interruption of the water through the use of photoelectric cells controlled by the operator’s feet
  • Controlled discharge for solid waste into a 20 liter polyethylene container
  • Gas spout with remote control
  • Electrical system in accordance with CEI standards
  • 2 electrical outlets
  • Manometer for filter blockage
  • Diaphragm Keyboard with decontaminable surface
  • Cupboard cavity with door and key lock

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