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Bag-in/Bag-out: the safest and quickest way to keep confinement while changing filters on a glovebox

Operator remains protected and external environment remains clean while removing contaminants stopped inside the old filter (HEPA) wrapped and secured inside the bag and ready for disposal after the process…

Allows working staff to change filter without getting in direct contact with contaminants (e.g. toxic powders, radioactive dust, viable organism, cancirogens…). Used filters are easily removed from the isolator structure wrapped inside a barrier material (containment bag) and external atmosphere remains uncontamined. Bag-in/bag-out filter replacing method can be available for filters with different shape and size.
Different filters are available on the market according to the required air flow: can be cylindrical, squared or rectangular, available in different sizes.

Example of cartridge replacement with bag-in/bag-out system

An alternative to the bag-in/bag-out filter replacing method can be the adoption of a push-push filter. The new filter is introduced in the filter location, the old filter is ejected inside the isolator. COMECER Technical Staff consider this method as less safe than the bag-in/bag-out system, considering that the leak tightness of the filter is ensured only by 1 or 2 o-rings installed around the filter perimeter.

Warning: the process to replace a contaminated filter must be always considered a “potentially risky” operation. Therefore, the adoption of some PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as gloves and masks is strongly suggested.

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