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Comecer Always On è una piattafomra digitale che raccoglie servizi e strumenti virtuali concepiti per permettere a voi, al vostro team e alla vostra organizzazione di collegarsi con Comecer in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi luogo.

È possibile organizzare riunioni virtuali, trasmissione via internet, dimostrazioni di prodotti 3D, visite virtuali del nostro stabilimento, test finali di accettazione (FAT) in remoto, mock-up, formazione tecnica, assistenza post-vendita, e molto altro, utilizzando collegamenti sicuri e interfacce semplici. Fate una prova!

Learn about Comecer
products and services

Using web conferencing tools, we can present the products and services best suited to your organization. We can also remotely show you how our equipment works, using 3D renderings and virtual reality simulations.

If you cannot travel to meet us and we are unable to give you a tour of our factory, we want you to experience a virtual factory tour from the comfort of your office. See how we build the equipment that hospitals and pharmaceutical companies rely on for their critical operations.

Remote Mock-up
and Remote FAT

Remote mock-up tests connect customer teams to the mock-up in our factory, with audio and video to see and drive the actions of the operator. Customers can tell us of changes they feel are necessary so the project keeps moving forward.

Our remote FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) connects different customer locations to our factory. High-resolution cameras and microphones immerse customers in operating the equipment. If your FAT is coming up, we can arrange it with a live streaming connection to keep you on schedule.

Remote technical assistance
and technical training

If you need quick access to a technical support specialist to address an issue encountered with our equipment or software, we can support you in real-time with remote connections and quickly provide step-by-step guidance to address the issue.

Once your equipment is ready, technical training is of vital importance to ensure correct use and maintenance, and even when onsite training is not possible, we have all the tools to provide your team with virtual training delivered live to you by our support specialists.

Web conferencing, virtual tours and 3D experience


Remote Mock-up and Remote FAT

Remote technical assistance and technical training

Request your Always On Services


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