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Cell & Gene Downstream Isolator

Downstream Isolator for Cell & Gene Therapy process

7 March 2022

A downstream isolator is dedicated to the last part of a cell therapy or biological process. Of course, there may […]

ValueCell FILL - Semi automatic and refrigerated bag aseptic filling system for Cell & Gene applications

ValueCell FILL – Semi-automatic and refrigerated bag aseptic filling system for Cell & Gene applications

22 September 2021

ValueCell FILL is a new semi-automatic Comecer filling system for Cell & Gene therapy fields. It is easy to use, […]

ValueCell COMBI - Cell & Gene Therapy modular isolator

ValueCell COMBI – Cell & Gene Therapy modular isolator

21 September 2021

ValueCell COMBI is a new modular Cell & Gene Therapy isolator. This concept puts together several options allowing different approaches […]

ValueCell SOLO - Stand alone Cell & Gene Therapy isolator

ValueCell SOLO – Stand alone Cell & Gene Therapy isolator

20 September 2021

Comecer offers a simplified isolator configuration for Cell & Gene Therapy, from R&D to small clinical applications. ValueCell SOLO has […]

Upstream, processing and downstream for Cell & Gene Therapy applications

Upstream, processing, and downstream for Cell & Gene Therapy applications

7 July 2021

Comecer, an ATS company, designs and manufactures customized isolation technology equipment for pharmaceutical and biotech applications. Its asepsis offerings include […]

Cell Culture Isolator - Isolator for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering

Cell Culture Isolator – Isolator for Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering

11 June 2019

Cell Culture Isolator is an isolator designed for laboratory professionals who require aseptic conditions for handling sterile products. It is […]

ValueCell FLEXY - Stand alone Cell & Gene Therapy isolator with Flexycult integration

ValueCell FLEXY – Stand alone Cell & Gene Therapy isolator with Flexycult integration

2 May 2019

ValueCell FLEXY is the new flexible and multi-tasking isolator for cell & gene therapy. The configuration has been designed for […]

FlexyCult - Incubation System for Advanced Therapy Labs

FLEXYCULT Incubation System for Advanced Therapy Labs

24 February 2016

The best solution to scale up your cell culturing procedures! FlexyCult is a multiple single-batch incubation system connected to a […]

ATMP_MCCI_Modular Cell Culture Isolator

Modular Cell Culture Isolator

14 May 2014

Isolation Technology in the pharmaceutical industry and in regenerative medicine is a technology that provides a physical barrier between a […]








