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Safety Policy

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Due to its growth in such a complex and restricted field like the one of radiochemistry, nuclear medicine, isolation technology and decomissioning, Comecer demands from its personnel full responsibility, maturity and professional ethics, in order to be always focused on the very first goal: preserving the Safety of people and workers, rather than achieving succes and profit.
In short, “Safety First” is the corporate philosophy leading and identifing every policy and activity undertaken by Comecer with regards to Safety, aiming at overstepping obligations and guidelines established by the regulations in force; for this reason, Comecer SpA has decided to follow OHSAS 18001 norms, thus developing its own System to manage all aspects relating to hygiene and  safety on work place.
Comecer SpA is chiefly committed to preventing any possible risk, by ensuring a permanent monitoring of processes and activities, including those entrusted to external suppliers / contractors, with the main purpose of avoiding injuries and occupational diseases.
Social and environmental sustainability are also considered as prioritary values by Comecer: committing to quality, safety and environment means complying with an essential ethical parameter which recognizes that the human being plays a central role in the pursuit of solutions to any kind of problems.
According to this parameter, the company has set the following targets:

  • Compliance with the conformity standards prescribed by workplace health and safety regulations, which are employed at our manufacturing premises in Castel Bolognese as well as on those sites where customers require our personnel to perform works and services on the equipments produced by Comecer;
  • Prevention of workers’ Health and Safety, with the main scope of removing workplace Hazards, in compliance with the Italian D.Lgs 81/08i;
  • Development of a continuous improvement process in the field of prevention, by adopting preventive measures for the management of customized projects, as well as by planning  programs and targets relating to Safety and Health, as stated in our ethical code;
  • Involment and consultation of workers, also through their Delegates, with regards to decisions on Safety and Health;
  • Scheduling of programs and targets relating to Safety and Health, which will be actualized by means of a year-long target plan;
  • Ensuring that this Safety Policy matches with the concrete company situation and its technical, structural and organizational development, by carrying out periodical surveys on the situation itself;
  • Informing each one of the parties involved about this Safety Policy, thus and encouraging and promoting – both internally and towards external suppliers – an adequate sensitivity to the prevention of injuries and occupational diseases; such target will be actualized by means of training courses and communicative measures, also in order to prevent the crimes provided for by art. 25 septies of the Italian D.lgs 231/01.

Comecer Spa is committed to making sure that its Safety Policy is understood, actualized and supported by all the persons concerned, by guaranteeing appropriate human, techical and financial resources to ensure the achievement of the above mentioned Targets.
The company undertakes any activity of planning, fulfillment, updating and development that might be necessary to keep effetcitive and improve the managing system required to reach these targets, always complying with its corporate mission: Safety first.








