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Mock-up testing via a live-streaming connection

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In COMECER, we take customer feedback seriously.

That is why mock-up testing is one of the key steps in the development of a new isolator or in the application of an existing configuration to a new process. Customer representatives usually carry out mock-up testing at our factory.

What characteristics do our customers test on a mock-up?

Here are just a few examples of what we ask the customer to test during a mock-up session.

  • Insertion and removal of starting and raw materials
  • Space occupied by process components
  • Accessibility of devices
  • Tools and accessory spaces
  • Ergonomics of the entire process and structure

This is particularly important in ATMP applications, as processes are still manual for a large part and we really think a good feeling and understanding of the process flow is crucial for effective space design, a successive smooth running of the plant and a successful production step.

How can we manage mock-up testing in current times, as external constraints are limiting everyone’s possibilities for safe travel worldwide?

Last week we experimented a live-streaming mock-up test. Here is how we did it.

Based on the proposal presented to the customer, our ATMP Solutions Manager Marco Fadda worked on the mock-up while members of the customer’s team connected in live streaming via the internet from different locations worldwide. Audio and video were available to everyone, and customers could see and drive the actions of the operator, investigate different configurations, alternate different tasks, position tools and ask in real-time all the questions they needed to understand and test the operability of the system.

In addition to what we described above, this experience provided a valuable take-away for all:
Do not be stopped by unfavourable circumstances! 

Unlock your fantasy, live these times as an opportunity for new ideas, increase the use of smart tools, share your experience and make it available anyway!

Here are a few photographs taken during the mock-up test.

You might also be interested in reading a couple of our previous articles on mock-up studies:

Is a mock-up study important in designing an isolator or glove box?

Ergonomics: are mock-up studies a waste of time?


Also watch how we usually handle our customer projects in pharma, radiopharma and regenerative medicine.

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