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ESRR – 19° European Symposium on Radiopharmacy & Radiopharmaceuticals 05 - 08 avril 2018

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Comecer will be at the 19th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals at booth no.6.

You can discover the new features in ALCEO!

Recently, our Solid Target Processing System Specialist, Mario Malinconico, presented the newest features in our Alceo system on “Synthesis of radiometals from solid targets used for radiolabeling.”

Here are the key new features:

  • ALCEO metal 3.0 can now produce 64Cu, 89Zr, 68Ga, 45Ti
  • There are no cross-contamination issues in the processes. This is due to the new pick&place of the dissolution and plating heads (for Copper and Gallium processes)
  • ALCEO can be installed in existing labs where no changes can be made. This is made possible by the ALCEO retrofit option, which separates dissolution (taking place in the bunker) from purification (taking place in the cell): in this case, the purification starts from the radiometals in liquid form that were melted in the bunker and pushed to the cell through capillaries.

We hope you will come to our booth and chat with us!

To fix an appointment or to ask for further information fill in the form below

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Groningen, The Netherlands


05 - 08 avril 2018


Médecine nucléaire







